Something Big is Going On
http://www. campaignforliberty. com/blog/?p=115
The above is a link to a blog post written by Ron Paul. It will give you a good idea where our country is heading. It's not good, but it's also not too late..
THE RICK TRILOGY: How I wrote these three books
*THE RICK TRILOGY: How I wrote these three books*
*Christopher Nyerges*
1 week ago
You'd better a-recheck dem links, Bro, 'cause I ain't gettin' nuttin'.
(Hey, I did, however, figure out how to link our Blogs. Yer now linked at the bottom of both of my Blogs.)
<"As a dog returns to his own vomit, so a fool repeats his folly."
~ Proverbs 26:11>
Now this is the one I got and it took me there on myspace but not here. I'll try copy and pasten inta dat dare display window.
Yep just copy and paste it man.. I don't know why the link doesn't work.
Thanks, BR'ER MARC!
I read Ron Paul's latest book, "THE REVOLUTION: A MANIFESTO", and I was a little surprised that despite the clear warning of economic woe in that book, he didn't describe it with a bit more urgency. (In my own Blog post "Thrown By A Big Brown Horse", I said that we are on the cusp of a genuine economic depression.) Now this new message from Dr. Paul is more in line with the impending economic asteroid that I sense is HURTling toward us!
Warrior Poet and I recently exchanged a few e-mails and he and I both commented on how strongly we sense this "thang" a-comin'. Thanks again, Marc - important article, man.
Happy Independence Day to you!
<"As a dog returns to his own vomit, so a fool repeats his folly."
~ Proverbs 26:11>
Hey, did you know that we can invent our own Poll and add it to the end of our Blogs? This place is really cool, Marc!
<"As a dog returns to his own vomit, so a fool repeats his folly."
~ Proverbs 26:11>
I didn't I gotta find out how to use this thing. I'm also trying to convince my wife to start investing in precious metals, but I'm getting NO WHERE. Pray with me that she will look at this a little deeper. All I'm asking for is 5-10 percent of our investments.
I have to learn how to use this site more. It's a lot better than Amazon. Though you should read a post by Snoopdogeydogg on America Freedom To Fascisms product page on amazon. He gave it one star, and I've been exchanging with him, but am now bowing out as it is without profit. I would like to get your take on the misguided soul though.
I really like the new look of your Blog, BR'ER MARC!
><[I'm also trying to convince my wife to start investing in precious metals, but I'm getting NO WHERE. Pray with me that she will look at this a little deeper. All I'm asking for is 5-10 percent of our investments.]><
Your position on this is ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY THE CORRECT ONE! God love yer wife, Br'er, but if she prevails in this disagreement, you will both regret it later. (Yes, I will remember the situation in prayer.)
If your wife is intelligent (and if you married her, naturally I assume she is) then you should be able to convince her of the rightness of your position, that is if she is willing to read and consider. I think you need to get some sound sources of information into her hands and before her eyes, Bro.
I have no idea what her objections could possibly be, but whatever they are, they can be successfully countered by good information because I am no less than 100% sure that it is you who holds the sensible opinion.
Granted, in marriage, the two become one and a well-reasoned meeting of the minds is always preferable... HOWEVER, when consensus becomes impossible, and the issue at stake is a major one, I know I don't need to remind you of what The Bible says about who the ultimate leader of the household is, right?[*]
[*]If she throws you out, I'll give you the Ted Williams autographed baseball to sell. That should keep you clothed and fed for about a month or so.
><[Though you should read a post by Snoopdopeydogg on America Freedom To Fascisms product page on amazon. He gave it one star, and I've been exchanging with him, but am now bowing out as it is without profit. I would like to get your take on the misguided soul though.]><
I read all of the posts there, Br'er, and (I'll try to keep this short) I think, first of all, the guy is a knucklehead for posting a review of a documentary that he admits to never having seen. And if he had bothered to watch it first, instead of just assuming he knows what ideas it presents, he wouldn't have made such a fool of himself. (But then again, maybe he would have, because one other bloke who posted a comment HAD seen the documentary and that didn't stop HIM from making a fool of himself.)
I think much of the problem with that discussion stems from the fact that he erroneously thinks he understands the message of "AMERICA: FREEDOM TO FASCISM." For one thing, DopeyDogg denounces Corporatism, but so does the film, in the form of Michael Ruppert.
Furthermore, regardless of what one chooses to call the system we have or the system he fears will replace it if we dissolve certain aspects of what we now have - whether one calls it Socialism, Fascism, Corporatism, or what have you - the bottom line is: If we were simply following the strict dictates of our Founders' CONSTITUTIONAL SYSTEM (the backbone of our Republic!), few if any of these problems would be present in our society today nor possible in the future.
So, I think that discussion would be improved if everyone moved away from all these squabbles over defining terms and concentrated on what we NEED to DO: Return to the U.S. Constitution - which, of course, is the underlying message of the documentary!
And as for his remark about child pornography... I don't believe he was either endorsing it or denouncing it, but simply using it as a justification for his posting a review of a movie he had never seen. In essence he's saying that one doesn't need to watch child pornography in order to know what's in the film, and likewise, he didn't need to watch this documentary in order to know what ideas the film conveys. Unfortunately for him, however, that analogy is simply stupid - a really wrong and boneheaded approach to take - and the fact that he has clearly misunderstood the theme of "AMERICA: FREEDOM TO FASCISM" is all the proof one needs in order to know that his analogy was totally invalid to begin with. But on the positive side, I would say that his pseudonym was pretty well-chosen.
Bless And Be Blessed, Bro!
Hey, BR'ER, I also meant to tell you that the voting system for your Poll is non-op! I tried voting at three different times but instead of registering the vote, it presents a new window thangy that basically means - like I said before - NON-OP.
You might try deleting the Poll and then reestablishing it. In other words, start over again from scratch.
<"As a dog returns to his own vomit, so a fool repeats his folly."
~ Proverbs 26:11>
Well me voted on it me selves and it took just fine my lad. RRRRRRR I'm a pirate.
Hmmm... Well, I'll be danged. Maybe it just won't work for me because it's "a pirate thang" and I'm more cowboy.
Thanks about sending the book, BR'ER! Let me know when the stuffs is on its way so I'll know to check my P.O. Box.
<"As a dog returns to his own vomit, so a fool repeats his folly."
~ Proverbs 26:11>
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