Now since most of you (if any of you are reading) don't know me let me introduce myself four blogs in. I'm Marc, I'm an RN, soon to be first time dad, and lover of God, Jesus Christ and Freedom. Today I would like to discuss my soon to be experience with being a first time dad.
My wife got pregnant around late December of 2007. We planned this and trusted God for the best. Well she got pregnant very quickly, and we are having a boy this late September of 2008. I'm pretty excited to meet the little man, and more than just a little scared on top of it. Will I drop him? Accidentally leave him in the car? What if I get distracted? Not to mention all the whacked out stuff they teach in Public brainwashing (I meant school) system. So I have to send my boy to private school or he will end up thinking boys should wear dresses, prostitute themselves out at age 12, and be fully instructed on how to put a condom on a cucumber but not have a lick of knowledge about who George Washington is.
If this isn't the worst of it I just read an article about some whack job leftist social worker who stomped into a private school and illegally searched a couple of eight year olds for child abuse (none was found). The article went on to say that these things happen all the time in public school and the school never reports it to the parents. A red neck says, "Don't be spankin yur kidz dare boy or dems libby's will come ands put ya in jail for years." If you've never played the game of Red Neck Life you just won't get that last statement (However, it is a fun board game). Back to my point though, the socialist objectives of the public psychotication (I meant public, I'm sorry) system is meant to do one thing: Turn you kid into a self centered communist psychopath.
Here are some other fun things that our good country has set up...
Sexual predators: NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association) who think parents are thwarting their childs (and were talkin 3 to 7 year olds) inner sexual desire to be with grown men. Plus we have judges who let sexual predators out of jail after they serve 30 days. Just so they can come and stock our kids tomorrow. Thanks???
Free Sex, prostitution, and more immoral sex: instead of teaching our children to cherish intamacy and the marriage relationship our schools and boob tube (emphasis on the boob part) teach them to screw now and screw as often as you can.... It's cool to be a whore....
They teach our children to be communists who hate their own country (just for the record both Republicans and Demacrats are socialist if you know what the CFR is).
But most of all our current political and moral climate teaches our children to hate GOD and everything that has to do with Jesus Christ. Even if you think I'm nuts (Try doing a little research in the Counsil of Foreign Relations and you might change your mind) believe me when I tell you that the only way for us to truly love and save our children is to teach them to love and God our father, and our Lord Jesus Christ.
May God Bless You and your family,
Mousie Marc
HO BIB (condition: used).
It was 1989 or '90, while I was attending a game at Dodger Stadium with The
Countess, that I said to her between innings, *"I hav...
3 weeks ago
><[Now since most of you (if any of you are reading) don't know me let me introduce myself four blogs in. I'm Marc, I'm an RN]><
Hello, I'm Stephen and I'm an alcoholic.
Oops! Wrong meeting.
Hey, Marc, I happen to love this country and I'm not going to let you run down America like that! LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT, you stinkin' un-American hippie!
You know, our great federal government created the wonderful Patriot Act to take care of non-conformists like you, and I think I'm going to report you to "W" for all of these nasty things you're saying about this fine America -- the best country in the world! LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT!
And while you're figuring out whether to love it or leave it, I gotta figure out how to add you to my new profile page as a "Friend" or whatever they call it in these here parts.
And speaking of profile pages, yours needs some serious work yet: I didn't see Waylon Jennings nor Howlin' Wolf mentioned by name anywhere.
<"As a dog returns to his own vomit, so a fool repeats his folly."
~ Proverbs 26:11>
Well ya know Stephen I just quickly put dis dare blog together, and I thinks I'll be a bringin some of my old reviews over here as well as updatin my profile when da time allows. As for the lovein or leavin it bit. Wells I love the America of John Adams my friend, but I do hates dat dare communist anti-patriot act, and sure as heck ain'ts fond of dat dare W guy... Buts me thinks yous knows that....
God Bless,
Mousie Marc
><[I thinks I'll be a bringin some of my old reviews over here as well as updatin my profile when da time allows.]><
When the time allows? Look at you, actin' all busy an' stuffs. You make it sound as if you're preparing for a visit from Mr. Stork or sumpin'. Get to work!
><[I do hates dat dare communist anti-patriot act, and sure as heck ain'ts fond of dat dare W guy]><
Well, as one of our other presidents would say: "There you go again!"
<"As a dog returns to his own vomit, so a fool repeats his folly."
~ Proverbs 26:11>
"When the time allows? Look at you, actin' all busy an' stuffs. You make it sound as if you're preparing for a visit from Mr. Stork or sumpin'. Get to work!"
I have been sir, I've been workin my weeee wittle twail off... Speaking of such there's this older lady from Romania who works as an RN who had no idea who tweety bird was. This was unfortunate for her since she was wearing tweety bird scrubs. This of course opened the door for me to give report in my Tweety Bird voice. She was very confused.
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