My wife is at the five and a half month mark in the pregnancy and SHE IS SHOWING... The whole thing still seems surreal. She has a big belly, the baby kicks, were going to the appointments, and yet part of it seems thousands of miles away. For her the whole thing is all to real at times. She wakes up occasionally due to Shortness of Breath (SOB for short) because she occasionally roles onto her back. This in turn causes our little baby to sit directly on the descending Aorta and Vena Cava thus decreasing blood supply and oxygen to the placenta. Plus my wife wakes up SOB (were ya paying attention to what SOB means? Look above at first usage)....
I also have to tell any of you who are actually reading this just how lucky of a guy I really am. My wife is a trooper. Truly, she's one of a kind. She does everything in her power to keep our home, finances, and everything else in order. My major contribution is working, asking her if I can help her, and staying out of her way (I'm pretty good at my role). One of my roles is to tuck her in at night. Here's how it all goes- she hugs a pillow while laying on her left side (the side they tell you to lay that's best for the placenta), and I tuck a pillow (a body pillow) as a wedge to keep her on her left side. I then push my body against the pillow so that she can't roll onto her back. This allows her to sleep all through the night without waking up SOB...
Another one of my roles is to listen. Now I'll be the first to admit I'm not always good at this. What did you say? I was distracted.... This has been very difficult for me at times especially when my loving wife is the worst back seat driver this side of the Mississippi... I kid you not when I tell you that she could nickel and dime Mother Theresa's driving to death even if she was on a clear stretch of road... This ability to critique my driving has only gotten worse, and dare I say I had to ask her to stop talking the other day because I truly was in fact getting a migraine (I had to apologize for the way I asked her later). Now if your a guy you know that listening is a skill we have to work extra hard at (especially if the big game is on... I mean it is the Western Conference Finals).... This is a skill I'm working on but finding it to be an excruciatingly painful process....
The birthing class is coming up and I have to say I'm looking forward to it... Plus I signed up for a daddies to be class. I'm not too sure what that one is going to be like but I figure it can't hurt. I can only hope that I don't get some nut job that is asking me to become one with the fetus, or who likes to point you out in front of the class for everything they feel you do wrong (even though Larry, Moe, and Curly are doing the same exact thing too). I'm probably going to get stuck with some whack job instructor...
I just took about a five minute break to go spend time with my beautiful wife and feel the baby kick... Something we really enjoy doing. There's nothing quite like it... I really have enjoyed spending time with my wife this past year. Since we both graduated from nursing school we have really started to click like we did prior to school (not that we were estranged while in school, but time was limited).
Speaking of which I'm going to go spend some more time with the love of my wife. I do love her dearly despite her back seat driving obsession...
Mousie Marc
HO BIB (condition: used).
It was 1989 or '90, while I was attending a game at Dodger Stadium with The
Countess, that I said to her between innings, *"I hav...
3 weeks ago