If history will tell you anything it will tell you how quickly man becomes corrupted. Please read the Obituary below and then I will continue my story.
Ezra Dana Rodgers married Mary Hellen Sumner. The grandfather of Verne Coons.
Ezra Dana Rodgers Obituary:
Friday, May 29, 1908:
Another G.A.R. Member has been called home.
Ezra D. Rogers passed away last Friday.
Deceased was one of the oldest residents of Nemaha County and a Veteran of the Civil War- was beloved by all.
Ezra D. Rogers, an old and highly respected citizen of Nemaha county passed away last Friday, May 22, at about 9:30 o'clock, at his home on West Second avenue, at the advanced age of 76 years. He had been a sufferer for a number of years from an affliction which was pronounced incurable, but his condition was not thought serious until a couple of weeks ago, when he took considerably worse and failed rapidly until the end.
Ezra D. Rogers was born in Indiana April 7, 1832. His family moved to Illinois while he was yet a youth and later came to Hardin county, Iowa. At the beginning of the Civil War he enlisted in the 32nd Iowa Infantry. Eighteen months later he was honorably discharged on account of disability. He was married to May H. Sumner March 27, 1855. Eleven years later the family came to Nemaha county, which has since been their home. They have tasted the joys and sorrows of frontier life. With arduous toil and privations they have done their part towards conquering the wilderness that it might come down to us as a heritage of culture and beauty.
Mr. Rogers confessed his faith in Christ at Eureka, Ill., when about twenty-one years of age, and has been a consistent member of the Christian church ever since, being intensely loyal to the principles which it advocates. For years he was a faithful elder in the church at Nemaha. About ten years ago he moved to Auburn where he and his good wife have since made their home.
Eight children have been born to them: Mrs. Laura Coons, Mrs. Rosetta L. Shubert and William L. Rogers, living in Idaho; Mrs. Mary H. Rimel and Alva R. Rogers, living at Auburn; Leroy D. Rogers and Mrs Effie A. Deerfeldt, living on farms near Nemaha. One girl, Addie, died when a child. These seven children with the widowed mother, who has been a faithful helpmate for fifty-three years, remain to mourn his loss.
The funeral services were conducted last Sunday morning at 8 o'clock at the Christian church in this city by the Rev. Hugh Lomax, pastor, after which the remains were taken to the Prairie Union cemtery near Stella and laid to rest. The Carley Post, G.A.R., attended the funeral service in a body, the deceased having been a loyal member of that organization, and having served in the war gaining an honorable record. The many friends of the sorrowing relatives extend to them their sincerest sympathies in their hour of sadness.
I will continue this post at a later date.
I'm posting this bit merely because I found the timing of it to be rather
In December, I received a Christmas card from my dear friend Melani...
1 week ago
1 comment:
>>[I will continue this post at a later date.]<<
Well? It's a "later date."
~ "Lonesome Dogg" McMe
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