Well I finished reading "The Naked Capitalist" a week ago, and just finished watching Aaron Russo's Documentary, "America: Freedom or Fascism." I have to say both were top notch... Some of the information I had before and some of it was brand new. However, the result (The New World Order) is something I'm very familiar with.
Both the book and the documentary stage the year 1913 where the globalist New World Order boys got Woodrow Wilson elected to office by supporting two conservative candidates which either would have won had it been a two man race. Either way Wilson was elected, the Federal Reserve was created (a private bank not the government by the way), and a vortex of corruption has come into being ever since. Incidentally this set the stage for the globalists to run our country (they print and run the money so they run the country). Since that time we have had countless wars on their behalf, set up communist dictators (it's easier for the globalists to get their money if it's a dictatorship), and watch our freedoms slowly but surely get flushed down the toilet. This is stuff that I have no doubt will lead to the book of Revelation in the bible. One world government which can dictate everything you do (big brother)...
This brings me to my next point. How can anyone doubt biblical veracity given that the book predicted such a scenario over 2,000 years ago??? If one looks at this honestly (read the book and watch the movie if you think I'm crazy) there will be absolutely no doubt. To me pin pointing this information and knowing that the bible speaks of such things and still telling yourself, ("The bible isn't real this can all be explained by -----") should be enough sufficeint evidence to prove that individual is insane... If I show someone a picture of a duck and they keep calling it a cow no matter how much evidence there is that it's a duck, what does that say???? If you are reading this and you have never met me try reading and watching the two above items before you call me a nut job...
God Bless,
Mousie Marc
HO BIB (condition: used).
It was 1989 or '90, while I was attending a game at Dodger Stadium with The
Countess, that I said to her between innings, *"I hav...
3 weeks ago
You sound like one of them conspiracy theorists to me. You must be kwazy or sumpin'.
(Funny how they love to use the term "conspiracy theory" as if no conspiracy theory could possibly be TRUE. "Falsehood" and "truth" are mutually exclusive, but "conspiracy theory" and "truth" are not necessarily so.)
<"As a dog returns to his own vomit, so a fool repeats his folly."
~ Proverbs 26:11>
Ya the more I look at it, read about it, and turn my wee wittle bwain away from the mind control media I find that 9/11, and many other government fallacies are fairly easily revealed... Funny how it's still a "THEORY" even though document after document reveals their sinister deeds by those who SUPPORT THEM....
Isn't it funny how they can get away with this because no one will do even the most minimal research on their own.
><[Isn't it funny how they can get away with this because no one will do even the most minimal research on their own.]><
Ahhh, there it is, BR'ER MARC!
A little independent research and a little questioning of our preconceived (and/or wishful) notions are all that's necessary for truth to come crashing in.
"Awww, but man, American Idol is on right now! If there was anything to what you say, then surely Rush Limbaugh or Katie Couric would have told us so."
<"As a dog returns to his own vomit, so a fool repeats his folly."
~ Proverbs 26:11>
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